The Keeper Cup: Tournament Rules
Unlike most other keeper war events, TKC focuses on the Keeper. We encourage technically proficient goalkeeping. And reward keepers for not only scoring, but making a 'clean save'.
Games Played
Over the course of the tournament, keepers are guaranteed to play 5 games in regular group play. With the possibility of for a 6th and 7th game in playoff stages.
In each bracket, the top 4 seeds after 5 games will progress into a semi-final and eventual final game. Semi-finals will be fixtured as: 1st vs 4th & 2nd vs 3rd.
Games Format
Every game will be two halves of 3 minutes, with a 1 minute half time break. At half time, keepers will switch sides to eliminate any advantage of wind/sun etc.
*for playoff games only. In the event of a tie after full time, keepers will play a third 3 minute period. If scores are still tied, we go to a fourth period of 'golden goal', where the keeper to score the first unanswered point via a goal or catch will win the game
1 point will be awarded to any goal scored via any type of distribution (kick, punt, throw etc) while the attacking keeper distributes within their designated area.
1 point will also be awarded to any 'clean catch'. The term 'clean catch' is defined when the ball is distributed by the attacking keeper and reaches the defending keepers hands with no bounce beforehand, nor is the defending keeper allowed to deflect the ball above their head and catch at the 2nd contact. In short, the ball must go directly to the defending keepers hands and remain under full control.
Time With The Ball
All keepers will have 6 seconds to re-distribute the ball. The 6 second count will begin once the keeper has the ball in their hands. A 5 second grace period will be afforded (if needed) to factor in ball retrieval or standing up after a save. Verbal warnings may be issued by referees before an infringement is declared. Upon declaration, the violating keeper must give up their chance to shoot, and the ball will be awarded to the opposing keeper. Continued violation will result in a point being awarded to the opposing keeper.
Bracket & Tiebreakers
Upon completion of each bracket game, the point scoring system will be:
Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 point
Loss = 0 points
In the event of a tiebreaker after bracket play, our determination of seeding to move on to playoffs will be based on:
1st - Points
2nd - Catches
3rd - Goal Difference
4th - Goals Scored
5th - Head To Head